Premiere film "Bring me down"

22 April 20.00 in Temse België. Premiere van de documentaire "BRING ME DOWN". Een portret over de Vlaamse schilder en beeldhouwer Piet Peere.

“Ik ben een twijfelaar, een controlefreak en een perfectionist. Met het eerste kan ik mij verzoenen, het tweede en het derde is een balast.”

“Peeres oeuvre roept op tot verzet tegen de innerlijke verwarring en de onvrede die ons tijdsgewricht aantasten . Het is een pleidooi voor meer zelfbesef, een grotere zin voor verantwoordelijkheid en een scherper onderscheidingsvermogen. Piet Peere is een humanistisch rebel ...” (Frans Boenders) 



Winnaar van de 25ste editie van 'Rotterdams open doek' met 41,82%  van de stemmen

10 November op het 'Rotterdams Open Doek' in Lantaren Venster Rotterdam

Een film van Freek Henkes jr. / camera; Jaap van den Beukel

Deze documentaire gaat over een Haagsche kunstenaar die de afgelopen twaalf jaar lijdt aan het tourette syndroom. Hij is uniek, intens, dominant, sterke mening, een hoop boosheid en tegelijkertijd een emotioneel mens. Achter zijn tourette schuilt een zeer gevoelig, creatief en getalenteerd man. In deze film gaat Freek Henkes jr op zoek naar de man achter de tourette de man die zijn vader zijn vader maakt.

"OUR GRID / Growing between the lines"

Woon jij op IJburg en wil je met je vrienden op de foto?

Voor mijn fotografieproject "OUR GRID / Growing between the lines" iov het Stadsarchief Amsterdam en het AFK zoek ik nog een aantal jongeren op IJburg tussen de 13 en 19 jaar die de komende maanden aan deze serie willen meewerken. Ben je geïnteresseerd en wil je meer weten, stuur dan een email naar


A series of photographs about a mixture of people in the Boston area in front of their houses. 

Lucy, teacher and 29 years old, posing with her dog for a few minutes in Georgetown, Boston

Salvador, 57 years, with his grandson. Working at the laundry nearby. 

This is Amanda, a 29 years old massage therapist. Her husband is working 7 days a week, while she 's taking care of their little child and dog Lola. I met her when she was doing the grass with the the lawn mower. She was willing to pose for a while after refreshing herself for a few minutes.

William, 64 years old, worked in a bakery when he was still young. Because of mental problems he was not able to work anymore. His favourite place to stay is in front of his house, "cause where else can I go?"


This is Alan, 84 years, a former machine repairer. Now he's already retired for a long time, because of the problems with his knees. Living with his son and helping him with his motor racing bike to solve the mechanical problems.

Ed Hyde, 53, musician and comic writer. For paying the bills, he works in the maintenance.

Armando just became 89 years old. I met this Italian man while he was sleeping in his white chair, When I was in doubt to make a picture of him, he woke up. We had a little chat. The man worked his whole life as a bricklayer and is now enjoying his pension.

George is the proud man in front of his house in Somerville. This friendly man is originally from Portugal, but lives already for 54 years in the US. No Portugese flag, this would make things a bit complicated. He apologized for the shape of his garden. For me actually it looked quiet allright. Doing the maintenance at the Boston University for already more then 30 years. Still another 5 years to go, he wishes this would be much shorter!

This is Eric.....was willing to pose for a few minutes, but didn't want to give any further details about his life.  He only told me he likes to draw. He gave me a little sketch.

Don, 64 years old, administrator at a Behavior Health Clinic. He has been wearing a scarf bandage for his arm for a few months cause he was injured by an accident. Today was the first time he could use both of his arms again.

Barbara, a 74 years old woman mowing the grass. She was feeling a bit uncomfortable to go on the picture, but at the end she liked it. Always she has been working as an administrator for a cancer institute. She is wearing the sunglasses on the photo cause she has been operated from skin cancer near her eye. A very positive person and grateful because she is still healthy.

Blanca just came back from her work from the laundry. Everyday starting at 6. Although she was rather tired, she had still the energy to pose for a couple of minutes. Living with her sisters and children in 1 house. We were talking Spanish. I liked the red shirt against the white house and of course her tattoo.

When I just arrived at my destination in the Somerville area of Boston, I met Moses a programmer of 41 years old. This young man told me he bought the house a few weeks ago. While I was just coming back from the country with the big houses and their huge gardens, I was impressed the way he was taking care of his tiny little garden. 



Work is done! Portraits of labourers after a day working on a platform in a chimney of a power plant. For Hadek in Czech Republic.


A short mix of 5 documentaries I have been working on the last 2 years (03.30 min).
1) "Hoger dan de toppen en dieper dan de wortels"  A short film featuring a 65 year old Dutch artist from The Hague. A man who lives a very intensive life. The combination of the type of art he creates and his extrovert character makes him quite a special, if not to say controversial figure. In this documentary his son tries to analyze his relationship with his father.
2) “A film about Menno”   Menno is a Dutch former air-brush artist who moved to Spain some 6 years ago. He lives a rather isolated life, without hardly any money, being the caretaker of a farm surrounded by raptors, horses, two dogs and some chickens.
3) “A short film about Frank”  is a portrait of Frank and his way of life. Frank is a former sportsman struggling to survive with his disease. Accompanied by the beautiful song “This is the thing” performed by the band Fink, this short film has resulted in an intimate piece of work.
4) “Geen sympathiek figuur”  For a period of six months I followed my parents with my camera. After a marriage of 52 years, this last part of their life together shows the thin border between love and frustration. The film features a relationship that is rudely disturbed by Alzheimer's disease. As a former vicar, my father had always been a good public performer and had an important role to play in his community. One of his responsibilities was visiting and consulting the physically and mentally ill. During this last period of his life, he found himself on the other side of the line, when Alzheimer's made him a dependent man. My mother struggled to deal with this change of roles and character, requiring a lot of patience and care from her. The film shows an emotional balance between the weight this disease put on their lives and a certain amount of humor that remained to the very end.
5) “Oma Nel”   A short film about 92 year old Oma Nel. Her whole life she has lived in the same house, where she still lives independently,  with a little support. Every day people visit her for a coffee, being a very positive and active person, though she's had to face harsh times during her long and eventful life.