In opdracht van het Stadsarchief van de gemeente Amsterdam maak ik een fotodocumentaire over de explosief groeiende groep jongeren op het Amsterdamse IJburg. De onzekere leeftijdsfase van deze groep afgezet tegen de gestructureerde en ordentelijke achtergrond van strakke lijnen, staat als thema centraal in deze serie. (In progress)



Holocaust monument Berlin

Checkpoint Charlie Friedrichstrasse Berlin


For months I’m working on a film documentary about the flemish painter and sculptor Piet Peere. This film shows his passionate way of working and the incredible amount of works he has made. (.....still in progress)




Wijnande Deroo, Marc Faasse en Jaap van den Beukel
In april riepen het Stadsarchief en het Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst op tot het indienen van voorstellen voor de jaarlijkse Documentaire Foto-Opdrachten. Er kwamen 91 plannen binnen die vervolgens aan de ‘commissie documentaire foto-opdrachten’ werden voorgelegd. De commissieleden (Gustaaf Peek (AFK), Thijs Wolzak (fotograaf ), Ineke Teijmant (stadssociologe UvA), Anneke van Veen (Stadsarchief) en Ellen Grabowsky (Stadsarchief) ) vonden elf ideeën verrassend en interessant genoeg om de fotografen om een nadere toelichting te vragen. Drie van die plannen werden uiteindelijk gehonoreerd met een opdracht:

Wijanda Deroo, Nieuwe hotels in bestaande gebouwen
Marc Faasse, Toeristen in Amsterdam
Jaap van den Beukel, Our Grid


A movie about 91 years old grandma Nel.  her whole life  she has lived at the same place. with some help she is still able to live her life. in her own house. Everyday people are visiting her for a coffee and a few times a week she prepares a hot meal for her son at lunch time. Oma Nel is quite a positive person, Although she had a some really difficult times in her personal life, grandma nel is quite a positive person. 


"AlSociety"  is a series of portraits I am working on now. All portraits are of people who can't participate completely in ordinary society. They are currently out of a job because of temporary mental and physical issues. Each has their own room or apartment in the same building. Under supervision and with guidance, they try to make a living and form a small, peculiar community.

Their faces show signs of their individual pasts. Their personal stories are often amazing and sometimes even hard to believe. But in any case, circumstance has forced them into dependency and now they are accompanied by an institute that helps them on their unique walks of life.

Project "City-me" Dublin / ALISTAN MUNROE


A portrait of Alistan Munroe in Francis street Dublin. Alistan was passing by and I asked him to pose for a little while. I liked the way he looked, his creme colored shirt, which looked quite similar to the background. The soft orange chair worked as a dissonant. The combination of graffiti, the sculpture of Maria and the crucifix in the background made this place feel a bit surrealistic. Alistan is a necktie designer, a nice contrast compared to his casual appearance.  



While I was doing my 'City-me' project in Dublin I saw these 'lonely flowers' and nearly everything was red; the bricks, the flowers and the traffic sign. Suddenly this woman, wearing a green dress was passing by. The location is Bow street near Smithfield market.



The City-me project  shows still, industrial city perspectives where the individual merges into the graphic background. The work is a mixture of reportage and ‘semi’ staged photography. The somewhat surreal surroundings are just as important as the individuals themselves. Many of the images have been taken just outside busy town centers in quiet, often somewhat sober, suburbs. The people in the photos are unknown passers-by who are walking, unknowingly, through the created “street decor” of the photographer. A carefully structured decor sometimes illuminated, when needed, by a flashlight, stuck to a lamp post with tape. There is no traffic in sight; adverts or other signs where avoided or integrated into the image. The streets seem desolate, but that is just appearance. In reality traffic is rushing by, requiring lots of patience in order to isolate just one person. Sometimes there is no one in sight and I was forced to stage some of the shots by asking some lonely passers-by to pose. 


For the ministry of VWS I have made several portraits about people who depend on health care. This is a portrait of Wies. She is living in a nursery home and her situation requires personal care.