Hans is cleaning the windows at Schiphol Airport behind the customs for already many years. In this short movie Hans explains his situation concerning his pension.
Urban Red Race Amsterdam
(AMSTERDAM) Every year we try to bring you a fresh selection of Jury elements. They are a very photography active bunch, from professional photographers, educators, gear geeks… you have it all!
We’re always on the lookout for inspiring and prominent people in the field of photography. We want our Jury members to be as broad and diverse as possible so that they can select the most complete winning set possible.
This year the Jury members for the UPR Amsterdam 2018 are: Bas Losekoot, Kjell Leknes, Marc Driessen and Jaap van den Beukel. You can learn about them more in detail on our Website. Check it out!
Short docu Woody van Amen
Woody van Amen - ‘Time Capsules’ (9 minuten). Te zien in museum 'Beelden aan Zee’
In deze korte documentaire neemt filmmaker Pascale Korteweg je mee naar het Kralingse atelier waar kunstenaar Woody van Amen al sinds de zestiger jaren werkt. Heden en verleden verbroederen in deze fascinerende ruimte waar scheppingsdrang, tijd en verzamelingen allen een even grote rol spelen. Dit is de plek waar we toegang krijgen tot zijn universum en het is de broedplaats voor zijn meest recente project: de tentoonstelling in museum Beelden aan Zee.
Camera: Jaap van den Beukel | Sound: Jeroen Leemans | Muziek: Tijs Leemans | Montage: Noud Holtman
December 2017, Port Dickson, Malaysia
A few days in Melaka, Malaysia
Sharin (left), 21 years and Amier (right), 23 years are friends for already a long time. While the sun was going down they were posing a few minutes for me in front of the little beach in Melaka. Amier is the proud owner of his car. He afforded to buy himself this Mitsubishi by working as a security agent in a hotel. Sharin works as a contractor in the oil and gas business. Just a month ago this young man had a serious accident with his motorbike. Now he’s carrying for the rest of his life a piece of steel in one of his legs. He told me the sad news, he’s never able to walk without his crutches again.
(Melaka, Malaysia)
Roadtrip New Mexico
This is Florentino. His friends call him Tony. He 's retired and loves to sit in front of his house in a little village in New Mexico. The hot temperature is not bothering this sympathetic man at all. He can sit there for hours and enjoying the sun. For years he lived here with his mum. Now she is in a nursery home. He seems to be satisfied on this peaceful Sunday morning.
Roadtrip New Mexico
Roadtrip New Mexico with a stop in the little village Cerrillos. A portrait of this friendly man Anthony, a retired social worker who 's enjoying his pension. Spending his time with making music, being a dj and working ocasionally in the local bar.
Traveling through Arizona and New Mexico for a few days.
My Mum
Chef Sergio Herman
photographed in front of the kitchen of restaurant The Jane in Antwerp. ( For Chaud Devant )
Following a mechanic for a few days in Sweden.
Client; Philips / Agent; Create Agency (Arnold van den Berg) / Buro; Megawatt
Kuala Lumpur
Early morning in KL.
.....Walking few days in Kuala Lumpur.
A short industrial Film in Port Dickson in Malaysia for my client Hadek.
Industrial Working Conditions In The North Of Vietnam
Montseny, Catalunya
'Misty summer mountain'
Expo Public Space in Den Helder
Short movie in South Sumatra
For the company Hadek in Rotterdam I did a short movie about construction work at a power plant in the South of Sumatra in Indonesia.
Architect Thomas Rau
Voor KIWA fotografeerde ik Thomas Rau, bekend van onder andere zijn onlangs verschenen boek 'Material Matters’.
Thomas Rau ziet een nieuw economisch systeem voor zich. Een meer duurzame en éénvoudigere manier om met producten en consumptie om te gaan. Onze huidige economie draait op afvalproductie, en dat is verre van efficiënt. Het is van belang om de overstap te maken van product naar dienst. Op die manier wordt de producent altijd gedwongen zijn product in perfectie aan te leveren. Er zal dan een radicale verandering plaatsvinden in de denkwijze van de producent, omdat deze altijd verantwoordelijk blijft voor zijn product. Wat gebeurt er bijvoorbeeld met het product als de huur is beëindigd? Hergebruik van grondstoffen zal hierdoor dus worden gestimuleerd.
'Wat er niet is, dat is er niet. Wat er wel is, daarvan moeten we zorgen dat het niet verloren gaat.' (VPRO Tegenlicht 2015)